Cuti Akhirnya ...Bestkan dapat cuti lama2 macam nie..1 Week many thing In my mine right now..but bila dah sampai rumah ...everything gone..oh no..if i read a book ..feel so sleepy..bila tengok Naruto..ngantok jugak..oh my Help me pls..Wake up..and need to do somethinglah..
Esok nak cari barang tuk Costume..Some friends said..buat aper susah2 buat baju..pergi tempah sudah..U dont know my Passion..i lebih suka baju yang direka dan selesa..huhuu..dont know masih kumpul idea tuk nampak menarik..Pls idea datang datang...Akhirnya Pergi juga ke Semi Final..walaupun suara tak beberapa nak sedap..tapi akhirnya dapat jugak pergi Final Nyanyi..Wish me Luck..i choose dance song ..that is old song ..but i think people gonna like it..i hope so..
I Need friends yang selalu ajak lepak clubbing..i need Hadzri..but u kat Bangkok..why everybody seem so far from me..Help help...Kat whatapss..penuh group2 kau..bebudak Cute, Bebudak Pru, Bebudak Gile, Bebudak Diva and Geng Propah..teruskan ..hahhaa..malas nak create sangat cerita ..sebab memasing busy ngan karier masing2..
Tadi Jumpa Calvin Thoo tanya pasal baju..ummm i try to think about the bajulah i want to create on my own..oh stop thinking ..have to find material lah kan ..Esok2 ok....
Tadi ...
Ya tadi msg My Notty..Lately i miss you so much..why why why..u married rite....i feel so stupid to do that..come on..i don't want to think bout u anymore..oh Plss..i have my life ..beautiful life now..and I'm happy with that..i just want to find someone seperti anda that it..
ok ...
need to open you tube..masih nak dengar lagu baru..i need a break..pls...
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